Matlab level 14 - niveau 14- ...Simulink
Level-14 : in Matlab-simulink and applications in very high
technologies and practices use :
Modeling an Automatic Transmission Controller
Model of automatic control electrical automobile
.1-Here wewillmake a model of an
automaticcontroller Fig-1 :
a- Vehicle
b- Transmission
c- Shift
logical control module part
d- Engine
RPM part module component and parts
e- Manœuvres
GUI part
f- Plot
results of 3 output controlledsignals (Throttle, Engine RPM, and Vehicle Speed)
g- Complete
controlled system of automatictransmitted in/out signalsvehicle modules
Modeling an Automatic Transmission Controller
Open Example
*This example shows how to model an automotivedrivetrainwith Simulink®.
**Stateflow® enhances the Simulink model withitsrepresentation of the
transmission control logic and control modules and units applications.
***Simulink providesapowerfulenvironment for the modeling and simulation of
dynamicsystems(cars- trains and planes) and processes.
*In manysystems, though, supervisoryfunctionslikechanging modes or invoking
new gain schedules must respond to eventsthatmayoccur and conditions
thatdevelop over time.
**In manysystemswecanaddlosses, parasitics, criticalpathes and critical
topologies of control in each system depending on nomber of parameters and
***As a result, the environmentrequires a language capable of managingthese
multiple modes and developing conditions.
*In the followingexample, Stateflow shows itsstrength in thiscapacity by
performing the function of gearselection in an automatic transmission.
**This functioniscombinedwith the drivetraindynamics in a natural and
intuitive manner by incorporating a Stateflow block in the Simulink block
1.2-Maneuvers GUI part Fig-2, Fig-3,
Fig-4, Fig-5
a- Variation in manevresbetween 4 cases passing
gradualacceleration, hard breaking and coasting.
b-Eachhad a limitcharcheteristicsconcerningthrottle,
and breaking.
Fig.2 Model of staring in a car
In the system of the cars or the
planes or the
Consisting of four cylindres and
coefficient of
In getthese contraints of input/output.
And showing output signals in the
Fig 3 and 4 for the 4 cylenders cars
Hope this helping engineers to simulate also
4 cylender cars and 6 cylender cars.
thank you my freinds in engineering hope you build in good things.
merci on souhaite vous construirez en bonne chose bénéficier à vos pays.
lighting work.
Using Matlab Simulink is helping too much engineering and technology in modeling, simulating, developing very high engineering systems.
RépondreSupprimerSee uuu near in the level 7 engineering.
I hope my friends and sons.
RépondreSupprimerThis article in matlab for arround 5 levels in matlab Simulink can help you in this difficult time of covid and other difficult things for search applications.
In this article arround 24 applications in automotive industry and aircrafts, trains...
Thank you merci dunke
good work
RépondreSupprimerall success
Working, producing, helping, teaching, expertise,...
RépondreSupprimerMore better than covid and vacin.
I think last year have many marks, many effects in our lives, try
to build more this year, try to produce and being constructive people instead of destructive.
happy newyear 2021.
The Matlab simulink helps engineers and developers in many fields and areas of applications.
RépondreSupprimerHope this article in Matlab, can help you in automotive engineering and automatic systems.
RépondreSupprimerThank you for reading and advancement.