Modeling automatic systems using Matlab-simuliunk level 24

Level-24 : in Matlab-simulink and applications in very high 

technologies and practices use :

Advanced leveling automatic control systems,
specially in the vehicule, fields.

Modeling an Automatic Transmission Controller


1.1-Here wewillmake a model of an automaticcontroller Fig-1 :

a-      Vehicle
b-      Transmission
c-      Shift logical control module part
d-     Engine RPM part module component and parts
e-      Manœuvres GUI part
f-       Plot results of 3 output controlledsignals (Throttle, Engine RPM, and Vehicle Speed)
g-      Complete controlled system of automatictransmitted in/out signalsvehicle modules (parts).

Modeling an Automatic Transmission Controller
Open Example
*This example shows how to model an automotivedrivetrainwith Simulink®.
 **Stateflow® enhances the Simulink model withitsrepresentation of the transmission control logic and control modules and units applications.
 ***Simulink providesapowerfulenvironment for the modeling and simulation of dynamicsystems(cars- trains and planes) and processes.

*In manysystems, though, supervisoryfunctionslikechanging modes or invoking new gain schedules must respond to eventsthatmayoccur and conditions thatdevelop over time.
**In manysystemswecanaddlosses, parasitics, criticalpathes and critical topologies of control in each system depending on nomber of parameters and testingexperiences.
***As a result, the environmentrequires a language capable of managingthese multiple modes and developing conditions.

*In the followingexample, Stateflow shows itsstrength in thiscapacity by performing the function of gearselection in an automatic transmission.
**This functioniscombinedwith the drivetraindynamics in a natural and intuitive manner by incorporating a Stateflow block in the Simulink block diagram.

1.2-Maneuvers GUI part Fig-2, Fig-3, Fig-4, Fig-5
a- Variation in manevresbetween 4 cases passing manevre, gradualacceleration, hard breaking and coasting.
b-Each had a limitcharcheteristicsconcerningthrottle, speed and breaking.


Fig-3  Manevre GUI Part- Gradual acceleration and velocity

4-Cylendeur cars and auto.

Fig-4  4-Cylender car and automobile

In the system of the cars or the planes or the trains.

Consisting of four cylindres and coefficient of each cylender.
 In getting  these contraints of input/output.

And showing output signals in the figures 5 and 6.

Fig-5 4 cylender simulations

Fig-6 pu,ping pressur used in the model.

A***GUI part consisting of :

1-    Throttlegraphic states
2-    Brakegraphic states
3-    4 level of states and control
4-    Timing in real time cars systemsmodeling
5-    For example passing maneuver…1,2,3,4.

B***Engine part modelingconsisting of :
1-    Torque parameters
2-    Throttle component
3-    Engine tourque 2 dimension graph, nowyoucanchangedin 3 dimension modelinggraphicalparameters and fonctions.
4-    Amplifier
5-    Integration part
6-    Feedback coefficients
7-    Diffrentiator

1-           Aircraft longitudinal Controller

2.1-Here  we  will make a model of an automatic controller concerning aircrafts Fig-8 :
Fig-8 aircraftcomplete system modeling longitudinal controller

a- Pilot
b- Controller
c- Dryden windgustmodels
d- Aircraft dynamicmodels
e- Input signals, output signals , as w gust signal, Q gust signal,…
f- Sddition component for signals

Fig-9 Input Stick and output rad/alpha outputs in the scope


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