Electronics applications and bases

Sequential  electronics and sequential systems
Logical sequential fonctions and components

1+In the automatic sequential systems, and control systems, the

outputs parameters depend on the input states and levels with their 

timing progress (variations). 

The  Flipflops 

2+The flipflops are used in sequential systems and digital time 

systems , real time analysis and systems, they are in more and 

more complex nowadays.

+The methods of synthesis and analysis used in studying 

electronics and microelectronics applications; we will study the 

different types of flip-flops constructing the digital circuits and 

the real time systems. 

+++RS Flipflop with varing timing analysis

3+The RS Flipflop is the base of all the other flipflops. 

The output of  RS flipflop is put ‘1’ or ‘On’ when the set is 

active and put ‘0’ or ‘off’ when the input of the reset is active.

+The combination between set = 1 and reset = 1 is interdict 

(prohipted) , but we have to define two types of  RS flipflops:

...Priority at 0   


Priority at 1


RS FlipFlops continous and depending on timing

4+ First type level variation (H) from up to down:


5+ Second Type edge variation (H) on the positive or the negative edge:



6+++ D-Flipflop

+The output Q is equal to S if the clock H=1, the output Q is registered in the memory if  H=0.
+This type of  Flipflop is used in setting on or off a circuit or automatic system by using the front edge control in timing processing, and also used in memorization of a signal for certain time (clock) of the input signal.



+A multiplexer is an electronic system and a control switching component it’s input are 2n , n are the number of  bits by selectors.

In our Example

Q is connected  to I0 if  S1=0 and S0=0,
is connected  to I1 if  S1=0 and S0=1,
is connected  to I2 if  S1=1 and S0=0, and
is connected  to I3 if  S1=1 and S0=1. 



8+ The Counters

The counters are sequential systems of n-flipflops.

the dynamic systems(used in counting, with counting stages) in 

automatic systems, microelectronic systems are fixed by the 

nombers of flipflops used in each circuit or in each integrated 


Asynchronus Counters:


Synchronus counters:

Fonctional electronics circuits and VHDL discription.


9 +++ This is the VHDL discription for the syenthisis electronic circuit used here :
Y <= (A and C) or (B and not C) or (not A and B and C) ;


10 +++ This is the VHDL discription for the syenthisis electronic circuit used here :


Z <= (A and C) or (B and not C) or (not A and B and C) ;
X <= (D and F) or (E and not F) or (not D and E and F) ;
Y <= Z or X


Thank you hope you used this courses in good applications, 
and hope you work more and more honestly.

thank you  for using electronics in peace and in the light.
this pages Wrote and developped by Mikel.


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