LEVEL 2 C Language, Niveau 2 en langage C,
The C language
used in a higher level engineering
Using the C
language in many engineering applications, especially in a lower levels
development in electronics (analog and digital) and EDA Solutions.
In Medical
development and research programs developing hardware microcontrollers (type
Mplab using C language, type Atmel using assembly language, ARM microprocessors
(C2H compiler and compilation, debugging using C language…).
In industry line control and real time control
by using labview, matlab functions with C programming parts (sensors control ,
sensors on/off switching, output time responses, stable testing functions).
Many and many
applications in many fields.
Level 2 in C
step by step together.
First program.
1+Include is used in preprocessing functions, we define int: integer, float: for
decimal numbers, double for high
2+I defined 2 variables i, j using type int.
3+ printf: this function is used in
showing data on the screen.
4+\n: new line, \t:tabulation, \a: alarm…

6+ return 0;
Second program.
Here in the second
application is used in banks on unix or on linux operating systems,
Using account
number, amount of money, code user, type of money, country,…
This project
when the bank consultant inserting money in real time dynamic C, there is a file of word created at the end of all
operations every 8 hours with all operations passed.
Here we defind, int, char, double, also File*cfptr.
condition, else if condition…
The Possible
Mathematical operations in C,
In this
application we used the available math operations, with special coding in C,
1- I put a
variable with type int = 2.
2- no+=4 , means that 2 + 4 = 6, no-=3 this means 6 – 3 = 3 and so on,…
3- in the end the variable after all operations will
give 2.
we defined a menu, with 4 choices, and
was using case “instruction and break”.
2- Scan function to get a data input from the user, with defining that
The input will
be int (entier ) by using %d.
3- after you
choose your choice you will see the output.
Fifth application:
In this application I made a 4 levels of the game.
the user has to find the number who choosed randomly
by the Computer.
First level between 1 and 100, second level between 1
and 1000,…
So if there are 3 users and they have to try to find
the number choosed by random way, so the user quickly find it, he will be the
6th application, Six application:
+ firstly we have our main file(page .c/.c++)
+secondly we made a new file with the same name (.h)
+thirdly we test our function developed in the
H-file(contains prototypes, define, constants,…)
+fourthly you will see the output between the main.c
and file.h
Now to complete our project we use the function or
using and calling the prototype defined in the tester14.h, so we put a printf fonction with incremente(),
hope you can print until 8 or 100 or as you like the
ouput is on the black screen.
Using .c and .h is the main fonctions to build any
large programs in many applications.
Now to complete our project we use the function or
using and calling the prototype defined in the tester14.h,
so we put a printf fonction with incremente(),
hope you can print until 8 or 100 or as you like the
ouput is on the black screen.
Using .c and .h is the main fonctions to build any
large programs in many applications.
Fig- 7-a
In this Seventh application:
I will introduce for you a program using pointers and
calling pointers.
Pointers are used in our programs to access memory or
to reserve a part of the memory for our data programming types and values.
1+ In this application you can see monpointer, p1, p2,
P3 as pointers using *name and this is the definition used in C language for
2+ I defind a variable age, and I defined a pointer
called psurage.
3+ after that in the function of the printf(), I print
or put on the screen output the addresses(or it’s place in the memory as you
Fig -7-b
Now you can see my friends how addressing and putting
data in the memory and how can I will call it.
So the same program put after calling the pointer, and
defining with register a place in the memory, I put in it the value of age, and
I will call it from it’s place in the memory by *psurage.
Thank you my friends hope you can use this second
level in developing by C language many good applications for engineers and
engineering higher technologies.
We build for you fruits of light developping engineering and technologies
hope you are living in joy and build for others in many good applications.
Please use this corses in electronics and in programming in good engneering applications, in peace , good light things.
For lightening minds and practices.
From Me.
For lightening minds and practices.
From Me.
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