A message For happy and Joy
A Message of Love and Joy
+ This message For happy and Joy:
1+ To be happy you must see!
2+ To be happy you must think normally!
3+ To be happy you must know your reality as humain being!
4+ To be happy you must know that life is not only for desires!
5+ To be happy you must be free!
I will speak and i will discuss with you Freedom:
Today i like to explain why Freedom is the most important thing in our life
and why all persons know freedom must defend freedom "in trust, in habits, in choosing religion, in speaking, in writing, in designing, in analysing, in making drawing, in expression,...
we had nothing to leave to our sons, families, communities, countries, except freedom...
But at the same time i will speak about freedom i will discuss arround 14 levels of Freedom may be the world know a little of them or not.
1+ Level 1 freedom in Sprits :
+We know from the time of the Christ Jesus King of Kings from 2000 years that the Lord the king the son of God ordered the bad sprits and put the limit for many sprits i remember you when " Christ jesus visited the home of Peter and The Christ Jesus put away the decease "la fiévre de sa belle mére", Christ Ordered the Sprits " Shut up don't Speak", and sure in many other places Christ Ordered the Sprits.
++ Also Jesus Christ when he sent his holly sprit on the apostols and disiples they ordered sprits as The God, and they had this Holy Sprit as Fire of longs. we had saint paul and peter in the street ordered all bad sprits and so on....
+++ So Frist type of Freedom is our Freedom from all bad sprits visible or non visible by the holly sprit and the name of Jesus Christ "His Marque is the CROSS".
Freedom of humain being from satan and all bad sprits so these humain being live in light.
++++Sure For being free from satan there is a payement paid by Jesus Christ himself the Blood on the Cross.
Frist Freedom Level Discution is still another we will continue after....
2+ Level 2 freedom as humain being :
+ As a humain being we are free untill the limit we pass a certain laws.
+ Also limits of athorities and laws defind in laws with applied practice.
+ Also Freedom of putting laws to limit theifs, limit attacks, limits of any passing of republics and democracy....
+ Also Freedom of defending the liberity of communities, liberity of organisms without diffrences dependency on color of skin, or on there racine, or thier religion....
3+ Level 3 freedom of small children who know nothing:
+ a girl analyse islamic religion and refuse it had all the rights to choose religion or no.
++ also a man of age of 14 or 15,... who refuse to dicuss about something in the class...
+++ also freedom to analyse religions, cultures, choosing as we like to live in respecting a level of speratisme between religion and "countries domcracy"
++++ freedom of children to design, write, draw, coloring,....anything, anything,....
4+ Level 4 freedom in putting laws and practicing laws to Protect Countries :
+ Freedom for France to put laws and appling laws in protecting there people or any other country in Europe.
+ Freedom to appling laws with protecting police and solders from civil attacks.
+ Freedom to put laws defending Europe Cultures, France Levels and cultures, German levels and cultures, defending Austria laws,.....
+ Freedom means Countries can protect there people from any harmful " extermists, terrorism,...."
We will continue....
that is a very beautiful article.
RépondreSupprimerthank you hope more success.