
Affichage des articles du octobre, 2017

555 integrated circuits, CI. 555

                                                        555 Timer circuit The 555 timer circuit or component is a simple integrated circuit that can be used to make many different electronic circuits, and many timing control circuits. With this information you will learn how the 555 works and will have the experience to build some of these circuits below. Presentation, Static Characteristics, Working in monostable, monovibrator, Working in astable, and  multivibrator, Le Circuit intégrée 555, 556,... Le 555 circuit de minuteur ou le composant sont un circuit  intégré simple qui peut être utilisé pour faire beaucoup de  circuits électroniques différents et beaucoup de circuits de  contrôle de minutage(moment). Avec ces informations vous apprendrez comment les 555  œuv...

Electronics, électronique, Elektronisch, Scan test,...

Electronics, électronique, Elektronisch JTAG/Boundary Scan test (Bancs de tests, Letzwllige verfugen,… ) Design For testibility Forsighted board level design for optimal testability. Why should you care about JTAG/Bouandry Scan? For these reasons: 11-      Regain test access (think of test access problems with BGA, multi-layer PCB, internal only traces, (no vias/test points)).  2-    Reduce Cost of test (testability, Bist,…) (reduce test throughout the product life cycle, simplified fixtures, less expensive,… ) 3-    Debug prototypes, detect defects,… 4    4-    Precise diagnostics and fast test execution in manufacturing,…   5-     In-system configuration /programming CPLD, FLASH,… and the most costing price are the programmed parts on integrated circuit board.    6-    Simplifying testing strategy    7-   Reduce and el...

Electronics applications and bases

Sequential  electronics and sequential systems Logical sequential fonctions and components 1+In the automatic sequential systems, and control systems, the outputs parameters depend on the input states and levels with their  timing progress (variations).  The  Flipflops  2+The flipflops are used in sequential systems and digital time  systems , real time analysis and systems, they are in more and  more complex nowadays. +The methods of synthesis and analysis used in studying  electronics and microelectronics applications; we will study the  different types of flip-flops constructing the digital circuits and  the real time systems.  +++RS Flipflop with varing timing analysis 3+The RS Flipflop is the base of all the other flipflops.  The output of  RS flipflop is put ‘1’ or ‘On’ when the set is  active and put ‘0’ or ‘off’ when the input of the reset is a...