
Affichage des articles du 2025

Design For testability, DFT, BIST,...

DFT design for testability: Testing Basics • Testing and debug in commercial systems have many parts – What do I do in my design for testability? – How do I actually debug a chip? – What do I do once I’ve debugged a chip? • Two rules always hold true in testing/debug – If you design a testability feature, you probably won’t need to use it • Corollary: If you omit a testability feature, you WILL need to use it – If you don’t test it, it won’t work, guaranteed Two Checks • There are two basic forms of validation – Functional test: Does this chip design produce the correct results? – Manufacturing test: Does this particular die work? Can I sell it? • What’s the difference? – Functional test seeks logical correctness • >1 year effort, up to 50 people, to ensure that the design is good – Manufacturing test is done on each die prior to market release • Send your parts through a burn-in oven and a tester before selling them. Testing Costs Are ...

Matlab level 14 - niveau 14- ...Simulink

Level-14 : in Matlab-simulink and applications in very high technologies and practices use : 1-            Modeling an Automatic Transmission Controller Fig.1 Model of automatic control electrical automobile   .1-Here wewillmake a model of an automaticcontroller Fig-1 : a-       Vehicle b-       Transmission c-       Shift logical control module part d-      Engine RPM part module component and parts e-       Manœuvres GUI part f-        Plot results of 3 output controlledsignals (Throttle, Engine RPM, and Vehicle Speed) g-       Complete controlled system of automatictransmitted in/out signalsvehicle modules (parts). Modeling an Automatic Transmission Controller Open Example *This example shows how to model a...

MATLAB and using matlab, utilisation de matlab, die arbiten für Matlab koncepten,

Matlab,  Matlab simulink: We can use matlab in many and very large applications of mathmatical calculations and solutions, in many fields of mathmatical theories and solutions, also in data base distrubitions, matlab also have a part of matlab simulink used in control systems, thermodynamics, signal transformations and treatement, high frequency controls, transport, many and many systems in higher technoligies using Matlab. Today i will show you some application for engineers in electricity and control engineers, in mathmatical operations in research also,... Nous pouvons utiliser matlab dans de nombreuses et très grandes applications de calculs et de solutions mathématiques, dans de nombreux domaines des théories mathématiques et des solutions, également dans les distrubitions de base de données. Matlab possède également une partie de matlab simulink utilisée dans les systèmes de contrôle, la thermodynamique, les transformations de signal et le traitement , Des contrôles à ...


LABVIEW LEVEL 1 I Want to explain for you a new subject on labview, i hope u will  be interested by this level in developping using labview. ΕΠΙΠΕΔΟ LABVIEW 1 Θέλω να σας εξηγήσω ένα νέο θέμα στην labview, ελπίζω ότι το u θα ενδιαφερθεί από αυτό το επίπεδο στην ανάπτυξη χρησιμοποιώντας το labview. FIG-1 Here in  level 1 and in the first fig-1, i show you the front page of labview and  the back page is called the diagram page.  now as shown in the figure no.1  the front page contains icons as numerical values , as chaine as different types of variables. in the diagram we will see the relations and the fubctions developped in vi files Εδώ στο επίπεδο 1 και στο πρώτο σύκο-1, θα σας δείξω την πρώτη σελίδα του labview και η πίσω σελίδα ονομάζεται σελίδα διάγραμμα. τώρα, όπως φαίνεται στο σχήμα 1, η πρώτη σελίδα περιέχει εικονίδια ως αριθμητικές τιμές, όπως το chaine ως διαφορετικοί τύποι μεταβλητών. στο διάγραμμα ...