
Affichage des articles du mai, 2021

Really Light illuminates eyes and youth forever

 Firstly: The Way , 1 way is light, 1 way to go to paradise, 1 way to be there in the  end, try to remember if we live here 100 years A  day we will be there after death so advice to all the way you choose, no obligations, no orders, but it is a way of love. JESUS CHRIST Said: I am the way, the life, and the truth. Remember no more time to have fruits and to return. The Way     Fig-1 The Way of Christ Jesus   Secondly:   The Door: really Jesus Christ said the door is small to whom have to search, and sometimes it is too dificult to find the door, if you like to be in the paradise, you must search the small door, there is no enter without Jesus Christ, but search well but there many will come saying, we made maricales, we made forces,...and Jesus Said go away i don't know you.   So please, please don't follow fault phrophets, faults sprits, fault trusts, try to search well the door and after you will see a light inside you with many proofs and frui...