An Article For Faith and Trust in Jesus christ Our Lord and our King, Son of Our God: firstly: Our God Jesus Christ said in bible of Saint Johna and Saint Mark "who had trust(faith) in me if he died, he will be alive". Also He Said Jesus Christ in The Bible of Saint John, Saint Mark and saint Matthieu "who trust in me if he said to this mountain deplace to the sea, it will be deplaced". Also He Said in Saint Paul "who had had afraid, lieing, said bad wards, made adultry,.... don't authorised to be in paradise" Please Don't be Afraid in this time From Corona, or other deceases, or Sprits, or Any thing because Jesus Christ he is agoemi yesterday, today and Forever. Remember how many people Jesus Christ treated them from dieing as (Lazaros, daughter of naieen, ), Also How many deceases he treated all his life in Earth, and how he ordered Sea, wind, Sprits,... From 2000 Years He left his Holy Sprit with us remember He is yesterday, today and forev...
Affichage des articles du janvier, 2021