
Affichage des articles du 2021

Developpement with HTML Front and Stack developpement.

  I Hope this level in developpement with HTML can help more in Front and Stack developpement, appli,... Also giving a level 2 and 3 with more script (headers, body, font, lists,....) Les langages HTML et CSS sont, comme nous allons le voir, à la base de tout projet de programmation informatique.  example1 Exemple1 ++++++++++++ Test1 code html Test numéro 1 en code HTML ++++++++++++++++++++++ Code HTML: <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Document Html minimum</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY>texte simple hello bonjour<BR> <B>texte en gras lumiere</B><BR> <STRONG>texte en gras light from light</STRONG><BR> <I>texte en italique</I><BR> <EM>texte en italique</EM><BR> <B><I>texte en gras et en italique</I></B><BR> <FONT SIZE=10>texte</FONT> <FONT COLOR="#0000FF">en bleu</FONT> <FONT SIZE=14>Christ</FONT> <FONT COLOR="...

Developpement by HTML level 2

Developpement of HTML scripts and Examples, developped for level 3 in codaing Front. Dev.1 +++++ A+ Développement informatique HTML Monsieur Micheal ARMANIOUS. 19 Avril 2016. avril 19, 2016 First Part Bienvenue Bonjour Mes Amis 2eme Article en informatique Hello my friends i hope you tried the frist code of html.  Second Part Code type html On va essayer autre code de HTML aujourd’hui.  we will try a new example in html today together. Third Part introduction Les langages HTML et CSS sont, comme nous allons le voir, à la base de tout projet de programmation informatique. Par extension, ce cours s’adresse à tous, du plus parfait néophyte à l’expert ayant besoin d’un rafraîchissement. The HTML and CSS coding languages is for us all easy to use it, to play with it, to developeing your application with it, in all computer developpement applications, This leson for all levels of computer developpers and computer programmers. Fourth Part definition définition de HTML Définitions et rôl...
  Don't be Fear (BIBLE) Christ Jesus The king of Kings put satan in Hill on the CROSS. Dont Be Afraid: 1+ from anything 2+ from any humain being 3+ from any sprits 4+ from death 5+ from thickness 6+ from future 7+ from doubt  Christ Jesus Said: +Who in me is alive. ++Who eat my body and drink my blood will live forever. +++Who Trust in me is alive forever. ++++Who live in the sprit he is sprit and whom live in body is body. Isaiah 41:10 Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Deuteronomy 31:6 Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the Lord your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you.” Psalm 27:1 Of David. The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strong hold of my life; of whom shall I be afraid? Joshua 1:9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. ...

Really Light illuminates eyes and youth forever

 Firstly: The Way , 1 way is light, 1 way to go to paradise, 1 way to be there in the  end, try to remember if we live here 100 years A  day we will be there after death so advice to all the way you choose, no obligations, no orders, but it is a way of love. JESUS CHRIST Said: I am the way, the life, and the truth. Remember no more time to have fruits and to return. The Way     Fig-1 The Way of Christ Jesus   Secondly:   The Door: really Jesus Christ said the door is small to whom have to search, and sometimes it is too dificult to find the door, if you like to be in the paradise, you must search the small door, there is no enter without Jesus Christ, but search well but there many will come saying, we made maricales, we made forces,...and Jesus Said go away i don't know you.   So please, please don't follow fault phrophets, faults sprits, fault trusts, try to search well the door and after you will see a light inside you with many proofs and frui...
An Article For Faith and Trust in Jesus christ Our Lord and our King, Son of Our God: firstly: Our God Jesus Christ said in bible of Saint Johna and Saint Mark "who had trust(faith) in me if he died, he will be alive". Also He Said Jesus Christ in The Bible of Saint John, Saint Mark and saint Matthieu "who trust in me if he said to this mountain deplace to the sea, it will be deplaced". Also He Said in Saint Paul "who had had afraid, lieing, said bad wards, made adultry,.... don't authorised to be in paradise"   Please Don't be Afraid in this time From Corona, or other deceases, or Sprits, or Any thing because Jesus Christ he is agoemi yesterday, today and Forever.   Remember how many people Jesus Christ treated them from dieing as (Lazaros, daughter of naieen, ), Also How many deceases he treated all his life in Earth, and how he ordered Sea, wind, Sprits,...  From 2000 Years He left his Holy Sprit with us remember He is yesterday, today and forev...