
Affichage des articles du septembre, 2018

Be Happy, Be in joy youth message of happy, être en joie, être content mes jeunes et les adolisent

Be Happy youth: 1- Be happy youth that christ jesus ca,e for you all, be happy humaion being because Christ Jesus came for you....... From 2000 years+++ He said to you all humain bering, youth, men, women. As this , and for you as this his love  lord GOD for all the world untill he left his son christ jesus crossified  on the cross for you , for you will have a new life in his son christ jesus by his Blood. 2- Be happy youth, men, women he spoke about egality between men and women from 2000 years. he said adam has 1 eva, and give us 1 marriage with 1 wife, without divorce untill now in all the world  of christians following the bible untill now. in betwween  all orthozox christians greece egyptians russian syria armanin sodan and all ortozox churches. also in between honest caztholics untill now 1 marriage without divorce. honest christians from the first century. 3- Be happy youth, men, women you have a force to put satanics and all satans under ...