
Affichage des articles du juillet, 2017

fruits, plants, fruits, 30%, flowers , 50% and so on, infinie

TITLE  : Fruits is coming by work, by water, and by care of it,                   and in the end by the help of Lord   GOD Christ                           JESUS, noting is,  who put the plants nor giving it                      water is important but the god who grown up all this                  things. TITRE : les Fruits ont sorti, par l'eau et par le soin et à la fin par l'aide de Lord (Seigneur Dieu Jésus Christ) GOD Christ JÉSUS, qui met les plantes, ni qui don de l'eau est importante, mais Dieu Christ Jésus qui grandie toutes ces choses et béni tous humains . TITEL: Früchte freigegeben, durch Wasser und durch die Pflege und am Ende unter Verwendung von Herrn (Herr, Gott, Jesus Christus) GOD Christus Jesus, das bringt die Pflanzen, noch dass Gabe von ...

Being Happy! is very Easy! What is happy! être content et contente, Glücklich, warum

Being happy and why!, how! , important? Être heureux et pourquoi !, comment! , Important? Glücklich zu sein und warum !, wie! , Wichtig Firstly, when everyone of us created, we are created by GOD (Christ Jesus and Son of GOD) to be happy and to live in happy, joy,... Secondly, why is important to be happy and in joy, means optimism, means fruits 30% 70% 100% 10000% and so on, happy and joy inside give many fruits (there is no bad trees or plants give good fruits and vice-versa). so happy to give fruits and be  in a light passing by the light giving light fruits (optomism, joy,...). and here happy is not desires, is not making your desirs as animals or as the world mentalities, no happy here means and is defined as joy of inside and outside of normal humain people who really happy outside as there heart giving them, a real feelings not for your desires of body or money but realy a happy with heart (sense of spritual level). Thirdly, Happy by passing this points with m...