
Affichage des articles du avril, 2017

The Triangles of Engineering in Matrix and complex

THE Electricity and the electronics triangles, le électricité et les lois en électronique ,  die Elektrizität und Elektronik-Regeln. 1- the triangle of power consumption and calculation. 2- the triangle of energie. 3- the triangle of OHM Law. 4- the triangle of Velocity. 5- the triangle of K.V.L. 6- the triangle of Maxwell. 7- the triangle of Guass. 8- the triangle of thevenes and norton methods. 9- the triangle of the sound wave. 10- the triangle of the light wave. 1-das Dreieck des Leistungsverbrauchs und Berechnung. 2-das Dreieck von energie. 3-das Dreieck des Ohm-Gesetzes. 4-das Dreieck der Geschwindigkeit. 5-das Dreieck von K.V.L. 6-das Dreieck von Maxwell. 7-das Dreieck von Guass. 8-das Dreieck von thevenes und Methoden von Norton. 9-das Dreieck der Schallwelle. 10-das Dreieck der leichten Welle. 1 - le triangle de consommation électrique et calcul. 2 - le triangle d'energie. 3 - le triangle de Loi d'OHM.  4 - le triangle de Vitesse.  5 - le tr...

The triangles and pyramides of life., les triangles, les pyramides.

Firstly, Prémieur, Erstens , THE Secrets of the life. The Secrets of Triangles which developping our life. and at the End how this triangles is the pyramides. Die Geheimnisse des Lebens. Die Geheimnisse der Dreiecke, die unser Leben entwickeln. Und am Ende, wie diese Dreiecke die Pyramiden sind. Les Secrets de la vie. Les Secrets de Triangles que développement de notre vie. Et à la Fin comment ces triangles sont les pyramides. Secondly, Zweitens, deuxième, A, B, C, A: the Soul B: The Sprit C: the Body The Humain being (the man, the woman, the child, the baby, creation of jesus christ as in begining Adam and Eve.  consisting of a soul, a sprit (on the face of God), and a body from soil and sand.) and in all this things the humain being is very very very different than animals and than the plants.  , by his Sprit he creating adam, who come from the holy sprit of Jesus Christ to be the first humain being Adam, and eve. A, B, C, A: die Seele B: Das...